A simple example of PHP OOP

Object Oriented Programming in PHP is MUST to be a PHP programmer. See the following simple OOP Snippet written in PHP

 * @author Shaharia Azam
 * @link http://www.shahariaazam.com
 * @description This simple class will return your next number. In this example the myNextNumber method will
 * return yourGivenNumber + 2. Because in class constructor you declared each time you will run myNextNumber method
 * it will return with +2. This is just for a simple OOP snippet to learn it.
class ClassName
    public $var;

     * Constructor of your Class
    function __construct()
        return $this->var = 2;

     * @method myMethod
    public function myNextNumber($arg = null)
        return $this->var + $arg;

$obj = new ClassName();
$result = $obj->myNextNumber(3);
var_dump($result); //output: int(5)

Happy PHP-ing.

Shaharia is a professional software engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the relevant fields. Digital ad certified, cloud platform architect, Big data enthusiasts, tech early adopters.