Turn off the header navigation from Twenty Ten theme in WordPress

Turn off the header navigation from Twenty Ten theme in WordPress

Once a time one of my clients has said to turn off the header navigation bar from the twenty ten themes in wordpress. So that I try to figure it out because Twenty Ten theme has it’s own functions.php for function library.

After looking after I found the simple one click solution. That is described below as the following picture.

How to turn off the Twenty Ten themes header navigation
How to turn off the Twenty Ten themes header navigation

According to the above image, in the approx. 223 number of line you will see one ‘return $args;’ in the ‘twentyten_page_menu_args($args)’ function. Just turn off this line by giving PHP comment symbol ‘//’. And then you will never see the header navigation in the twenty ten theme in wordpress.

Have fun!!!!




Shaharia is a professional software engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the relevant fields. Digital ad certified, cloud platform architect, Big data enthusiasts, tech early adopters.