Add .CTP extension in JetBrains PHPStorm

To add .ctp view file of CakePHP in PHPStorm editor you simply you just follow the following steps and you are done.

Step 1

Just go to File -> Settings to open editor’s settings panel.
PhpStorm support for CakePHP

Step 2: Just click ‘IDE Settings’ -> ‘File Types’

CakePHP ctp view file in PhpStorm

From the above image now just select ‘PHP Files’ from ”Recognized File Types’ and now from the ‘Registered Patterns’ section just click on ‘+’ icon add add *.ctp (according to the following image
CakePHP ctp view file in PhpStorm

Now just ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’… From now you can work with CakePHP view file (.ctp) inside JetBrains PHPStorm. Happy coding!!!

Also read how to add .CTP file extension in NetBeans. So it’s easy to work with CakePHP View file (.ctp) with all popular IDE.

Shaharia is a professional software engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the relevant fields. Digital ad certified, cloud platform architect, Big data enthusiasts, tech early adopters.