To install PHP5 and Apache2 manually in UBUNTU 12.04 you need to run the following command. sudo apt-get install php5 sudo apt-get install apache2 It will start installing apache2 and PHP5 for your UBUNTU.
Category: Programming
Read articles, tips & tutorials, news and updates on programming language. I write on mostly all languages and try to share my experience with you so you don’t need to spent too much time to find the solution by yourself. Sharing is the true power of knowledge.
Object Oriented Programming in PHP is MUST to be a PHP programmer. See the following simple OOP Snippet written in PHP <?php /** * @author Shaharia Azam * @link * @description This simple class will return your next number. In this example the myNextNumber method will * return yourGivenNumber + 2. Because in class constructor you declared each time you will run myNextNumber method * it will return with +2. This is just for a simple OOP snippet to …
Sometimes we need to check whether any specific server are up or down. It’s sometimes so much important. So that I have prepared the following code snippet which will tell you about the server whether it is down or up. I have used fSockOpen in this case to test it. so the function I have created is <?php /** * @param null $host * @param null $port * @param null $timeout * @return bool|string */ function PingToServer($host=null, $port=null, $timeout=null) { …
__toString magic method in PHP OOP is a very good stuff to covert your object into string. Let’s write some code without __toString(). <?php class LearnToString{ public $WhatIsToString; function __construct($WhatIsToString){ $this->WhatIsToString=$WhatIsToString; } } $obj=new LearnToString('hello world'); echo $obj; ?> Now if you want to see the result then you must see the following error like it says. Warning (4096): Object of class LearnToString could not be converted to string [YourFileName.php, line 11] Yes, if you are a PHP OOP learner …
Suppose you have a date  2012-12-20 and today is 2012-12-18. What’s the different You can now see the ‘Time Remaining to 2012-12-18’ by implementing the following code. Now you can use TimeAfter() with all your required arguments. To get PHP current date time you can use <?php echo date(‘Y-m-d’); ?> To compare with the previous date you can use <?php echo $YourDateValue; ?> To get simple format you can use the function as follows:$remaining= TimeAfter(date('Y-m-d'),'2012-12-18',true,array('before'=>'after ')) Argument List respectively: …