Now a days, lots of professionals are selling their creative works on ThemeForest. I just created the following simple (very simple) PHP script that works with HTML DOM and XPATH will do a very interesting job to show the ThemeForest theme information and statistics.
Just run this script on your PHP environment and you will get the following information of any specific ThemeForest theme.
Array ( [sellCount] => 2 [price] => $16 [created] => 2016-10-13 [lastUpdated] => 2016-10-13 [highResolution] => No [compatibleBrowsers] => IE10,IE11,Firefox,Safari,Opera,Chrome,Edge [filesIncluded] => HTMLFiles,CSSFiles,JSFiles [columns] => 1 [documentation] => Unrated [layout] => Responsive [totalComment] => 8 )