Sometimes we need to check whether any specific server are up or down. It’s sometimes so much important. So that I have prepared the following code snippet which will tell you about the server whether it is down or up.
I have used fSockOpen in this case to test it. so the function I have created is
* @param null $host
* @param null $port
* @param null $timeout
* @return bool|string
function PingToServer($host=null, $port=null, $timeout=null)
if(empty($host) || empty($port) || empty($timeout)){
return false;
$TimeStart = microtime(true);
$Response = fSockOpen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if (!$Response) { return "down"; }
$TimeEnd = microtime(true);
return round((($TimeEnd - $TimeStart) * 1000), 0)." ms";
Here is the hostname or server address, 80 is the port number to check and 10 is the timeout period.
Happy coding!!