Lots of things has been changed over the times. And now we are living in such an age where everyday we are getting introduced with new technologies, new trends. As times goes there has been a dramatic changes in our daily life. Our concepts, our perspectives on every matter is shifting to match the latest trends and technologies. This also applies to the way we evaluate a candidate for recruitment. There are always two parties involved in any recruitment process. …
Tag: Inspiration
মার্কিন উদ্যোক্তা এলন মাস্কের জন্ম ২৮ জুন, ১৯৭১। ইন্টারনেটভিত্তিক অর্থ আদান-প্রদান সেবাপ্রদানকারী ওয়েবসাইট পেপালের সহপ্রতিষ্ঠাতা তিনি। ২০১২ সালের ১৫ জুন ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া ইনস্টিটিউট অব টেকনোলজির সমাবর্তনে তিনি এ বক্তব্য দেন। প্রথামাংশ – উপস্থিত সবাইকে শুভেচ্ছা।আমি ভাবছিলাম, আপনাদের ভবিষ্যতের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় এমন কী বললে আপনাদের উপকার হবে। আমি এখন যে অবস্থানে আছি, তার কথা আপনাদের শোনালে, সেই জীবনের গল্প আপনাদের জন্য অনুপ্রেরণার হবে। কী শিক্ষণীয় আছে সেই গল্পে? তরুণ বয়সে আমাকে যখন সবাই জিজ্ঞেস করত, আমি কী হতে চাই। তখন আমি জানতামই …
There are so many popular websites in Bangladesh. Some of them are commercial and some of them are for personal usage and even some of them are for business purpose. Now a days Bangladeshi websites are being developed so fast. Each day hundreds over site is being developed approximately. But Bangladeshi Websites are so old in looking. Most of the websites are developed by as usual way. I am here to write few things about why Bangladeshi websites are not …
I have searched a lot about this topics and also discussed with few of smart and skilled Joomla developer in Bangladesh. I am sharing the summery of this issue. Most of the Bangladeshi webmasters are familiar with Joomla than wordpress or other CMS. They are mostly familiar with only Joomla. And most of the old aged web developers of Bangladesh are developing website in Joomla. Joomla is an old and large CMS. There are few web development training institute …
In this days there is a buzzword that ‘How Could I get money or How could I earn money from Bangladesh’. Most of the young people are so much familiar with Freelancing, Earn from home in Bangladesh, MLM Business in Bangladesh. So there are so many earning opportunities in Bangladesh. I believe it is… but my question is what is perfect for you? I even don’t know what is the perfect and best way to earn money from Bangladesh easily. …