I am a fan of CakePHP Framework and PHPStorm IDE. But since longs times I tried to setup autocomplete of cakephp MVC structure code in PHPStorm but I failed. But from now I can do that and my development is now being more fast. Let’s try it yourself too!! Inside your Controller inside each script to get Model’s autocomplete suggestion just put the following comments-(i.e in YoursController.php file just put the following comments at the top) In the above code …
Tag: PHP
xDebug for PHP Coders xDebug is a very popular and famous debugging utility for PHP programmers. It actually works with Apache. So to activate or install xDebug for PHP coders you just follow the steps given below.. Step 1: Just open your php.ini file and find out with ‘xdebug’ then you can see like ;zend_extension = "C:xamppphpextphp_xdebug.dll" Then just remove ‘ ; ‘ from that above line and just copy the following lines of code in your php.ini file. xdebug.remote_enable=On …
As a PHP programmer you need to create excel file with your data by PHP programming language. I have made all the things easy. Follow just two steps and your work will be done!! First create an Excel class in PHP with the following code Then you will include this class file in your working PHP script with PHP Then write the following code. Now run this file and you will see one FileName.xls file will be automatically download. Open …
If you are a PHP coder just leave Dreamweaver. If you are novice website designer Dreamweaver is perfect. Now I can feel that how much bad the Dreamweaver is as an IDE! I prefer PhpStorm as my PHP IDE. Really PHPStorm is a great PHP editor for faster PHP application development. Since 3 years I used Adobe Dreamweaver but now I can be sure that Dreamweaver is such a novice playground. So if you want to be a PHP coder …
If you have ever made any PHP Classes for your work. Then it’s pretty easy to add those classes inside your CakePHP driven application. You need to follow the below steps. Steps 1: You first have to place a class file inside a directory Steps 2: Then open App/Config/bootstrap.php from your CakePHP application directory and write the following codes. //mydir is another directory placed outside of cakephp directory App::build(array( 'GlobalUsers' => array(dirname(CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH).DS.'mydir'.DS) ), App::REGISTER); It will just add the location …